BS ISO 21998:2020 Interpreting services — Healthcare interpreting — Requirements and recommendations.
4.3 Intercultural competence
Healthcare interpreters shall use culturally appropriate language and behaviour, and shall be aware of and able to convey cultural nuances in order to render them in their linguistic output, gestures, and tone. When necessary. healthcare interpreters shall bridge the cultural and conceptual gaps separating participants. They shall recognize and address cultural issues, via intercultural inquiry, to ensure accurate and complete understanding.
4.4 Interpersonal competence
Healthcare interpreters shall be professional in their interactions with others. They shall behave appropriately, both verbally and non-verbally. They shall be flexible and patient with others, and be able to work in a team, with multiple healthcare providers or with those involved in relay interpreting. They shall possess problem-solving skills. Healthcare interpreters contend with interactions in stressful and difficult life circumstances amid cultural and linguistic diversity. These situations are not always amicable and require interpersonal skills. Healthcare interpreters shall be able to build therapeutic rapport with the main participants and to exhibit self-control in all communicative events.
4.5 Technical competence
Healthcare interpreters shall he able to use the interpreting technology required for each particular interpreting situation, including distance interpreting. Healthcare interpreters shall demonstrate competence to use interpreting equipment (such as microphone, audio- and video-conferencing technology). Competences and skills also include image management, volume control, microphone etiquette, and signals for meta-communication.
4.6 Competence in health-related terininological research
In order to stay up to date with current healthcare terminology glossaries, healthcare interpreters shall research relevant terminology databases or resources, and have the ability to retrieve the information collected and knowledge acquired using suitable aids.
4.7 Healthcare related competence
Healthcare interpreters shall:
a) understand the organizational systems involved in the delivery of healthcare services;
h) be aware of the most common cultural health traditions and beliefs of their patient populations;
c) follow the protocols and norms of working in different medical specializations (e.g. mental health, emergency care, end of life);
d) utilize medical terminology in a variety of specialties in two or more languages;
e) be able to ensure their own safety;BS ISO 21998 pdf download.