NFPA 105-2019 Standard for Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives.
5.4.3 Damaged glazing material shall be replaced in accord‐ ance with the applicable codes. 5.4.4 Replacement glazing material shall be installed in accordance with its individual listing, where required, and the manufacturer’s listing. 5.4.5 Where holes are left in a door or frame due to changes or removal of hardware or plant-ons, the holes shall be sealed to resist the passage of smoke at ambient and elevated tempera‐ tures up to 400°F (204°C). 5.4.6 Where a smoke door, frame, or any part of its appurte‐ nances is damaged to the extent that it could impair the door assembly’s proper emergency function, the following actions shall be performed: (1) The door, frame, door assembly, or any parts of its appur‐ tenances shall be replaced with parts obtained from the original manufacturer. (2) The door shall be tested to ensure emergency operation and closing upon completion of the repairs, in accord‐ ance with 5.2.3. 5.4.7 If repairs cannot be made with parts obtained from the original manufacturer or retrofitted, the door, the door assem‐ bly, or appurtenances shall be replaced. Strike plates for locks and latches on pairs of doors shall not have extended lips that prevent astragals from sealing the gap at the meeting edges of the doors. Door-Closing Devices. Door-closing devices, other than spring hinges, shall meet the requirements of ANSI/ BHMA A156.4, Door Controls一Closers, Grade 1. Where non-fire-rated doors are permitted to be held open, the door closing device shall be permitted to have an integral friction hold-open feature that permits the door to be closed when pulled or pushed. Doors arranged for automatic closing shall have a closing device that meets the requirements of Door Holder/Release Devices. Door holder/release devices for automatic-closing doors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and in conformance with the individual manufac- turer’s published listings.* Where required for non-fire-rated smoke doors without door closers, only door holder devices that release when pushed or pulled shall be permitted.* Protection Plates. Doors without fire_ protection rating are permitted to have non-rated, factory- or field-applied protection plates of unlimited size, unless otherwise restricted by the door or protection plate manufacturers’ specifications.* Attaching Hardware to Doors and Frames. Hardware items shall be attached to doors and frames in accordance with NFPA 80.NFPA 105 pdf download.