NFPA 12A-2018 Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems.* If used as shipping containers, the Halon 1301 containers used in these systems shall be designed to meet the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation or the Canadian Transport Commission. If not used as shipping containers, they shall be designed, fabricated, inspected, certi‐ fed, and stamped in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The design pressure shall be suitable for the maximum pressure developed at 130°F (55°C) or at the maximum controlled temperature limit. A reliable means of indication shall be provided to determine the pressure in refllable containers. The means of indication shall account for variation of container pressure with temperature. When manifolded, containers shall be adequately mounted and suitably supported in a rack that provides for convenient individual servicing or content weighings. Auto‐ matic means shall be provided to prevent agent loss from the manifold if the system is operated when any containers are removed for maintenance. In a multiple cylinder system, all cylinders supplying the same manifold outlet for distribution of agent shall be interchangeable and of one select size and charge. Storage temperatures shall not exceed 130°F (55°C) nor be less than −20°F (−29°C) for total fooding systems unless the system is designed for proper operation with storage temperatures outside this range. External heating or cooling shall be used to keep the temperature of the storage container within desired ranges. Class 150 lb and cast-iron fttings shall not be used. All threads used in joints and fttings shall conform to ASME B1.20.1. Joint compound, tape, or thread lubricant shall be applied only to the male threads of the joint. Welding, soldering, or brazing alloys shall have a melt‐ ing point above 1000°F (538°C). Welding shall be performed in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, “Welding and Brazing Qualifcation.” Where copper, stainless steel, or other suitable tubing is joined with compression-type fttings, the manufacturer’s pressure-temperature ratings for the ftting shall not be excee‐ ded. 4.2.4 Valves. All valves shall be listed or approved for the intended use. Valves shall be protected against mechanical, chemical, or other damage. Special corrosion-resistant materials or coatings shall be used in severely corrosive atmospheres. 4.2.5 Discharge Nozzles. Discharge nozzles shall be listed for use, including the fow characteristics and area of coverage. Discharge orifces shall be of corrosion-resistant metal. Special corrosion-resistant materials or coatings shall be required in severely corrosive atmospheres.NFPA 12A pdf download.