AATCC 61-2009 Colorfastness to Laundering: Accelerated Developed in 1950 by AATCC Committee RA60; revised 1952, 1954, 1957, 1960, 1961, 1970, 1972, 1986 (title change), 1989, 1993, 1994, 1996, 2003, 2006 (title change), 2007, 2009; reaffirmed 1956, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1969, 1975, 1980, 1985; editorially revised 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1991, 1995, 1998, 2002, 2004, 2008; editorially revised and reaffirmed 2001. Partly equivalent to ISO 105-C06.
6.2.1 Test one specimen per laboratory sample. Replication may be advisable for improved precision.
6.3 To determine staining in Tests No. 1A and 2A, use multifiber test fabric. To determine staining in Test No. 3A, use either multifiber test fabric or bleached cotton test fabric. With respect to Test No. 3A, the use of multifiber test fabric is optional but the staining of acetate, nylon, polyester and acrylic is disregarded unless one of these fibers is present in the fabric being tested or known to be in the final garment. For Test 3A, multifiber test fabric with heatsealed edges is recommended. Stain- ing is not determined in Tests No. 4A and 5A (see 12.11 and 12.12).
6.4 Specimen preparation.
6.4.1 Preparation with multifiber test fabric with individual component bands 8 mm (0.33 in.) wide or with bleached cotton test fabric. Prepare pieces with a 50 mm (2.0 in.) square of multifiber test fabric cloth or bleached cotton test fabric (as required) sewn, stapled or suitably attached along one 50 mm (2.0 in.) edge of the test specimen and in contact with the face of the material. When multifiber test fabric is used, attach it so that each of the six fiber bands is along the 50 mm (2.0 in.) edge of the specimen with the wool on the right. The fiber bands in the multifiber test fabric will be parallel to the lengthwise direction of the test specimen.
6.4.2 Preparation with multifiber test fabric with individual component bands 15 mm (0.6 in.) wide. Prepare pieces with a 50 × 100 mm (2.0 × 4.0 in.) rectangle of multifiber test fabric sewn, stapled or suitably attached centered along one 100 mm (4.0 in.) or 150 mm (6.0 in.) edge of the test specimen and in contact with the face of the material. Attach it so that each of the six fiber bands will be parallel to the widthwise direction of the specimen. Attach and secure the wool band at the top of the specimen to avoid fiber loss. fabrics be sewn or stapled at the four
6.4.3 It is recommended that knitted edges to equivalent size pieces of bleached cotton test fabric to avoid rolled edges and to assist in obtaining a uniform test result over the entire surface. Attach the multifiber test fabric to the face of the knitted fabric. pile lay direction, attach the multifiber
6.4.4 For pile fabric specimens with a test fabric at the top of the specimen with the pile lay direction pointing away from the top of the specimen. yarn, specimens may be tested using Op
6.5 When the textile to be tested is tion 1 or Option 2.
6.5.1 Option 1. Knit yarn on an appro- priate sample knitting machine. Prepare specimens and multifiber test fabrics ac- cording to 6.1-6.4.3. Keep one knitted specimen of each sample as an unwashed original. AATCC Tech nical Manual/2010 6.5.2 Option 2. Prepare two 110 m lution to make a total volume of 150 mL. (120 yd) skeins of each yarn. Fold the Prepare this solution separately for each skein so that there is a uniform amount of yarn across a 50 mm (2 in.) width with a canister. length appropriate for the procedure to be 7.3.4 For all the tests, add the desigused. Keep one skein of each sample as nated number of stainless steel balls or an unwashed original. Sew or staple white rubber balls to each canister. Crockmeter test cloth squares (see 12.10) 7.4 The two options for preheating the or squares of bleached cotton test fabric canisters to the test temperature are by having approximately the same weight use of the laundering machine or the prefolded over each end of the layered yarn heater/storage unit. If the canisters are to specimen. Attach a multifiber test fabric be preheated in the laundering machine, according to 6.4.1 or 6.4.2. proceed to 7.4.2. heater module at the prescribed test tem 7.4.1 Place the canisters in the pre 7. Procedure perature. They are to remain in the 7.1 Table I summarizes the conditions module for at least 2 min. Enter a well of the tests. crumpled test specimen into each canister. 7.2 Adjust the laundering machine to 7.4.2 Clamp the covers on the canis- maintain the designated bath temperaters. A Teflon fluorocarbon gasket (see ture. Prepare the required volume of 5.1.6) may be inserted between the neo- wash liquor. Preheat this solution to the prene gasket and the top of each canister prescribed temperature. to prevent contamination of the wash so- 7.3 Run Test No. 1A in 75 × 125 mm lution by the neoprene. Fasten the 75 × (3.0 × 5.0 in.) lever lock stainless steel 125 mm (3.0 × 5.0 in.) lever lock canis- canisters. Run Tests No. 2A, 3A, 4A and ters vertically and the 90 5A in 90 × × 200 mm (3.5 lock stainless steel canisters. × 200 mm (3.5 × 8.0 in.) lever in the adapters on the rotor of the laun- 8.0 in.) lever lock canisters horizontally dering machine in such a manner that 3A, add to the canister the amount of de7.3.1 For Tests No. 1A, 1B, 2A and when the canisters rotate, the covers tergent solution designated in Table I.AATCC 61 pdf download.