CSA A440.4:19 Window, door, and skylight installation.
4.4 Anchors
Anchors consist of fasteners and can include extensions. Fasteners, such as screws or nails, can be installed directly through the fenestration project frame, mounting flange, etc., to structural elements in adjacent walls or roofs. Extensions, such as metal clips, brackets or straps, wire rope suspension systems, etc., can be mechanically interlocked with the product frame or attached to the product frame with fasteners and secured to the adjacent wall or roof structure with fasteners.
Note: Extensions ore usually required where fasteners installed directly through the frame do not embed into the adjacent woll or roof structural elements to provide ode quote support for the self-weight of the fenestrotion product or imposed loads on the fenestration project such as wind.
Anchors used during installation of a fenestration product shall be the same as used to secure the fenestration product during laboratory testing to the performance class and grade for the fenestration product In accordance with AAMA/WDMA/CSA 1O1/l.S.2/A440 and suitable for the climate loads determined In accordance with the applicable provincial codes.
If anchors used to install a fenestration product are different from anchors used during laboratory testing, the anchors shall be
a) reviewed and approved by a design professional;
b) suitable for the fenestration product;
c) able to be secured to structural components in the adjacent wall or roof structure; and
d) adequate for climate loads determined in accordance with the applicable provincial codes.
Anchors shall be of sufficient strength and quality to perform their designated function. Fastener characteristics, such as head style and diameter, shall be sufficient to prevent withdrawal (tear-through) of fasteners through factory-installed openings (such as slots in nail flanges) or site made openings (such as pre-drilled pilot holes In frames) in fenestration product frames or anchor extensions.
Note: Screws are considered superior to other fasteners such as nails, spikes, and staples, because in general, they have superior withdrawal resistance and depth of penetration into the adjacent structural components and con be better controlled so there is less risk of damage to the fenestration product or the adjacent wall or roof system during installation.
Metal fasteners shall comply with CSA Bill and ASTM F 1667. They shall be constructed of the same material as the metal components they fasten, or of a metal that does not cause a galvanic action that would damage or cause deterioration of the fastener or components.
Note: NBC 2015 does not identify standards for other types of fasteners that could be used for window installation, such as masonry screws, Fasteners for which standards are not Identified in N BC 2015 should be obtained from a manufacturer with engineering performance data demonstrating adequate properties for the application, consistent with good engineering practice.CSA A440.4 pdf download.