CSA N294:19 Decommissioning of facilities containing nuclear substances.
3 Definitions The following definitions shall apply in this Standard: ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) — the principle of optimization of protection (ALARA principle). The likelihood of incurring exposures, the number of people exposed, and the magnitude of their individual doses should all be kept as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account economic and societal factors. [Source:The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP Publication 103)] Authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) — the organization having jurisdiction over the design, procurement, fabrication, installation, testing, operation, inspection, maintenance, and decommissioning of a nuclear facility. Note: For the purposes of this Standard, in Canada, the federal AHJ is the CNSC. Care and maintenance — see Storage with surveillance. Clearance — process of determining if a material containing a nuclear substance(s) can be removed from further regulatory control by the AHJ. Note: See IAEA RS-G-1.7 and CSA N292.5. Conditional clearance — clearance that takes into account the reasonable exposure routes applicable to the specified fate and type of the material being considered for exemption. Note: Conditional clearance is authorized on a case-by-case basis by the AHJ. Unconditional clearance — clearance that takes into account all reasonable exposure routes and types of materials, irrespective of how the material is used and where it might be directed. Clearance level — with respect to radioactivity levels, the maximum permissible concentrations of radioactivity in or on materials, equipment, and sites to be released from regulatory control (for example, becquerels per gram or per square centimetre, near-contact dose rates). Note: Clearance levels may be expressed as conditional or unconditional, depending on whether the specific pathways of release, or destinations for reuse, recycling and/or disposal are specified.
Rehabilitate – to bring to an acceptable interim or final end-state. Safeguards – systems and information for nuclear material control that are associated with ensuring compliance with obligations pursuant to international safeguards and non-proliferation agreement. Note: Safeguard measures include nuclear materials accountancy, containment, surveillance, and inspection. Site一the immediate area containing the nuclear facility including the exclusion zone (if any) and under the control of the operating organization. Stabilization一the activities performed to transition a facility from permanent shutdown state to commencement of decommissioning. Storage with sureillance (SWS) – a planned stage during a decommissioning program during which the remaining nuclear substances, equipment, and site(s) are placed and maintained in a safe condition until decontamination and dismantling actions are performed. This state might also be referred to as care and maintenance. Note: In Canada, licensing control by the regulatory authority remains in effect during such periods. TENORM (technologically enhanced, naturally occurring radioactive material)一a naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) that is concentrated as a result of a technological process unrelated to the production, development, or use of nuclear energy.CSA N294 pdf download.