UL 1030:2017 Sheathed Heating Elements. 1.1 These requirements cover metal-sheathed heating elements intended for use in appliances and equipment that comply with the requirements for such appliances and equipment. 1.2 These requirements cover sheathed heating elements rated 600 volts or less. 1.3 These requirements do not cover heating elements for use in equipment for use in hazardous locations as defined in the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70. 1.4 Wherever the terms heating element and element are used in these requirements, they are intended to mean a sheathed heating element as defined in 2.4. 2 Glossary 2.1 For the purpose of this standard the following definitions apply. 2.2 DIELECTRIC VOLTAGE WITHSTAND — The ability of a heating element to withstand specified voltages applied between current-carrying parts and dead metal parts for specified times without flashover or puncture. 2.3 LEAKAGE CURRENT — A current, including a capacitively coupled current, that may be conveyed between exposed conductive surfaces of a heating element and ground. 2.4 SHEATHED HEATING ELEMENT — A resistance element that is usually encased in magnesium oxide or encased in a similar insulating material that is, in turn, surrounded by a metal sheath. 2.5 SHEATH WATTAGE DENSITY — The watts per unit area of actively heated sheath surface area. The actively heated sheath surface area is considered to be the area of the exposed surface of that portion of the sheathed heating element between the terminal pins. See Figure 2.1. 5 General 5.1 The acceptability of a heating element in any equipment or appliance depends upon its ability to withstand continued use under the conditions that prevail in actual service. In addition to the requirements contained herein, further considerations and investigations may be necessary, based upon the intended installation and use of the sheathed heating element. 5.2 A sheathed heating element shall employ materials and components throughout that meet the intent of the requirement, and shall be made and finished with the degree of uniformity and grade of workmanship practicable in a well-equipped factory. 5.3 If a material or alloy not included in Table 14.1, a material provided with a coating, or a composite sheath utilizing dissimilar materials inside and outside is used, it shall be investigated to determine that the material is acceptable for the purpose and that it affords protection equivalent to that of the materials included in Table 14.1. 5.4 After being formed, the sheath of a heating...
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