IEC 60700-1-2021 Thyristor valves for high voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission – Part 1: Electrical testing. 4 General requirements 4.1 Guidelines for the performance of type tests 4.1 .1 Evidence in lieu Each design of valve shall be subjected to the type tests specified in this standard. If the valve is demonstrably similar to one previously tested, the supplier may, in lieu of performing a type test, submit a test report of a previous type test for consideration by the purchaser. This should be accompanied by a separate report detailing the differences in the design and demonstrating how the referenced type test satisfies the test objectives for the proposed design. 4.1 .2 Test object Test object should meet the following requirements: a) Certain type tests may be performed either on a complete valve or on valve sections, as indicated in Table 2. For those type tests on valve sections, the total number of valve sections tested shall be at least as many as the number in a complete valve. b) The same valve sections shall be used for all type tests unless otherwise stated. c) Prior to commencement of type tests, the valve, valve sections and/or the components of them should be demonstrated to have withstood the production tests to ensure proper manufacture. 4.1 .3 Sequence of tests The type tests specified can be carried out in any order. NOTE Tests involving partial discharge measurement can provide added confidence if performed at the end of the dielectric type test programme. 4.1 .4 Test procedures The tests shall be performed in accordance with IEC 60060, where applicable. The competence of testing and calibration laboratories should correspond to the ISO/IEC Guide 1 7025. 4.1 .5 Ambient temperature for testing The tests shall be performed at the prevailing ambient temperature of the test facility, unless otherwise specified. 4.1 .6 Frequency for testing AC dielectric tests can be performed at either 50 Hz or 60 Hz. For operational tests, specific requirements regarding the frequency for testing are given in the relevant clauses. 4.1 .7 Test reports At the completion of the type tests, the supplier shall provide type test reports in accordance with Clause 1 6. 4.2 Atmospheric correction When specified in the relevant clause, atmospheric correction shall be applied to the test voltages in accordance with IEC 60060-1 . The reference conditions to which correction shall be made are the following. –...
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