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CSA N285.0.1– 18 Commentary on CSA N285.0-17, General requirements for pressure-retaining systems and components in CANDU nuclear power plants. CSA N285.1, CSA N285.2, and CSA N285.3 were incorporated into CSA N285.0 so that all the technical requirements for pressure-retaining systems and components would be in one Standard. This also had the benefit of lowering overhead costs for CSA Group in terms of number of staff required to manage the program and the cost of publication. Because it was desirable to maintain the numbering system of the various material Standards in CSA N285.6, it was not possible to incorporate them into CSA N285.0. Therefore, CSA N285.6 has been published as a companion document to CSA N285.0 since CSA N285.0-08 as these material Standards are closely related to the design rules in CSA N285.0. CSA N285.0 and ASME BPVC, Section III, Division 1 set forth requirements for pressure-retaining components. CSA N285.0-17 is based on years of experience in designing, fabricating, installing, and operating pressure-retaining systems and components that have a high degree of integrity and safety. However, codes and standards cannot consider and address every circumstance. Consequently, whether a circumstance is addressed or not, the designer, certificate holder, installer, and operator are still expected to use good engineering judgment to ensure that nuclear power plants are constructed and operated reliably and safely. Under the direction of the CSA Nuclear Strategic Steering Committee (NSSC), the work associated with pressure-retaining systems and components has been divided between two technical committees responsible for the various Standards from the CSA N285 series, as follows: a) N285A Technical Committee, which is responsible for CSA N285.0 (which includes the requirements that used to be in CSA N285.1, CSA N285.2, and CSA N285.3) and CSA N285.6 (now published with CSA N285.0); and b) N285B Technical Committee, which is responsible for CSA N285.4, CSA N285.5, CSA N285.7, and CSA N285.8. CSA N285.0.1 pdf download.

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