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CSA HGV 4.3-2012 Test Methods For Hydrogen Fueling Parameter Evaluation. Part IV: Definitions AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: The outside air temperature measured at or near the dispenser. APPROVED: Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. APPROVED STANDARD: A standard which is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction APPROVAL: Approved by, or approval of, the Regulatory Authority. AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: The organization, Regulatory Authority, office or individual responsible for approving equipment, an installation or a procedure. BREAKAWAY DEVICE: A component installed downstream of the dispenser outlet connection to protect the dispenser assembly from damage by vehicles driving away while still connected to the dispenser nozzle. BUFFER: storage buffers on a fueling station may be sequentially equalized with the vehicle during the fueling process CERTIFICATION AGENCY: An impartial body possessing the necessary competence and reliability to operate a certification system and in which the interests of all parties concerned with the functioning of the system are represented. CERTIFIED: (With respect to any accessory, component, equipment, or manufacturer’s installation instructions) investigated and identified by a nationally recognized testing and certification agency as conforming to recognized standards or requirements or accepted test reports. COMMUNICATION / NON-COMMUNICATION FUELING: SAE TIR J2601 compliant dispensers shall be able to fuel vehicles with or without the optional SAE }-2799 hardware present or functional. The SAE TIR J2601 non-communication fueling tables assume that the vehicle tank may be in a hot soak or cold soak condition and may provide a slightly lower soc at the end of a fueling event than if the communication link between the vehicle and dispenser is present and working correctly. If the communication link fails during the fueling event, the dispenser shall end the fueling event at the non-communication fueling Target Fill Pressure DATA COMMUNICATION LINK: The optional data communication method specified by SAE |2799 consists of an infrared emitter that is mounted on the hydrogen surface vehicle (HSV) in close proximity to the receptacle and infrared receivers that are located in the nozzle. The IRDA link allows the hydrogen surface vehicle (HSV) to send data to the fuel dispensing system.CSA HGV 4.3 pdf download.

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