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CSA A23.4-16 Precast concrete – Materials and construction. 4.1.2 Group A (architectural products) Group A shall include products that are decorative and establish the aesthetic character of a structure. These products shall be produced in accordance with the requirements of this Standard. Group A is divided into two categories: a) Architectural trim units (AT) shall be non-prestressed products with a high standard of finish quality and of relatively small size and may be installed with equipment of limited capacity. Products include sills, lintels, coping, cornices, quoins, medallions, bollards, benches, planters, and payers. This category also includes specialty products specifically designed for a project but not commodity or ornamental units produced for wholesale or retail purposes. b) Architectural cladding and load bearing units (Al) shall be precast concrete building elements such as exterior cladding, load bearing and non-load hearing wall panels, spandrels, beams, mullions, columns, column covers, and other miscellaneous shapes. Elements may be conventionally reinforced and/or pretensioned or post-tensioned. Prequalification in this category includes category AT, Note: Group A does not include structural products that exhibit a high degree of finish or texture, including unique colouration. Such products are included in Groups B and C. 4.1.3 Group B (bridge products) and Group BA (bridge products with architectural finishes) General Both Group B and Group BA products shall be produced In accordance with the requirements of this Standard. Group B Group B is divided into four categories: a) Precast concrete bridge products (Bi) shall be conventionally reinforced precast concrete elements. Group Bi products include non-prestressed bridge beams or slabs, piling, sheet piling, pile caps, retaining wall elements, median barriers, parapet walls, sound barriers, engineered box culverts, and three-sided structures not referenced in other Standards. b) Prestressed miscellaneous bridge products (82) are any precast concrete and pretensioned or post- tensioned elements, excluding superstructure beams. Prequalification in this category includes Category Bi. c) Prestressed straight-strand bridge members (B3) include all precast concrete superstructure elements. Prequalification in this category includes categories Bi and B2. Group B3 products include box beams, segmental components, I-girders, bulb tees, stemmed members, solid slabs, and full or partial depth bridge deck slabs pretensioned or post-tensioned with straight strands. d) Prestressed deflected-strand bridge members (84) shall include the same class of products as category B3 and which are pretensioned or post-tensioned with deflected strands. Prequalification in this category includes categories Bi, B2, and B3.CSA A23.4 pdf download.

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