ACI 548.8M-19 Specifcation for Type EM (Epoxy Multi-Layer) Polymer Overlay for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks. Prepare the surface and apply the overlay at designated quality control test locations. Apply overlays at quality control test locations at the same thickness and with the same materials, equipment. personnel, timing, and sequence of operations, and curing period that vill he used on the project. Evaluate the test overlays using the procedure described in ASTM C15X3”CI5X3M, except that the tensile adhesion evaluation shall not be performed at surface temperatures above 27°C. For concrete surfaces, core drill through the test overlay to a depth of 13 mm (±3 mm) into the underlying concrete slab. For steel surfaces, core drill through the test overlay to the top of the steel interface. An evaluation shall be an average of three tests at each location within the quality control test location and have an average pull off strength of 1.7 MPa. If the test results do not nieet the required 1.7 MPa average pull-off strength. check the surface preparation procedures, modify, repeat the surface preparation. and repeat the tests. If additional testing does not result in strength of I.? M Pa minimum, then ArchitectfEngineer shall make the decision on the placement of the overlay. 3.1.3 Qualiti’ control of surface pa’pararsan- -Surfaces prepared for overlay application shall have the same surface profile as accepted test areas in 3.1.2. 3.2—Surface preparation 3.2.1 (.ou,te deck% Prepare concrete surfaces using the approved surface preparation practice until the specified substrate surface conditions have been achieved. Prepared surface shall meet a minimum ICRI 310.2R CSP 5 condition unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer. 3.2.2 Steel deckc— Prepare steel surfaces according to SSPC-SP I ONACE No. 2. Surface preparation shall result in minimum surface profiles of 0.1 mm unless otherwise specified. If flash rust appears, rehlast the surface to SSPC-SP 101 NACE No. 2. 3.2.3 Blasted surfaces shall he free of dust and other loose material that can inhibit bonding of the overlay. 3.2.4 If the ArchitectfFngineer determines that the surface preparation is suspect redo with the accepted method. 3.2.5 Obtain inspection and acceptance by the Architect’ Engineer of surface preparation operations before placement of the overlay. 3.3—Mixing epoxy binder 3.3.1 Mix the epoxy components according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 3.3.2 Mechanical rnLiing For each mixed epoxy resin hatch, the contractor shall maintain and provide to the ArchitectiEngineer records including,...
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