AATCC 186-2001 Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure. 4. Sately Precautions NOTE: These safety precautions are for information purposes only. The pre- cautions are ancilary to the testing proce- dures and are not iniended 10 be all inclu- sive. It讨the user’s responsibility to usC rai aed propar 1echniquei a handl n3 muteriab; in ihis lcest methol Manufac wrers MUST be consuled for specife details such a material safety data shects and other manufacturer’s recomnendations. All OSHA standards and rules must also be consulted and followed. 4.1 Good laboratory practices should be followed. Wear safety glasses in all laboratory areas. 4.2 Do not operate the test equipment uotil the manufacturer’s operating in- structions have been read and understood. It is the responsibility of whoever operates the test equipment to conform to the manufacturer’s directions for safe operation. 4.3 The test equipment contains high intensity lamps. Do not look directly at the light source. The door to the test chamber must be kept closed when the equipment is in operation. 4.4 Before servicing the light sources, allow 30 min for cool-down after the lamp operation has been teminated. 4.5 When servicing the test equipment, shut of both the“of switch on the front panel and the main power disconnect switch. Wben equipped, ensure that the main power light o0 the machine front panel gocs out. 5. Uses and Limitations 5.1The use of this procedure is intended to simulate the deterioration caused by the UV energy in sunlight and water. Exposures are not intended to sim- ulate the deterioration caused by localized weather phenomena, such as atmosphenie pollution, biological attack and salt water exposure. 5.2 Cautions. Variation in results may be expected when operating conditions are varied within the accepted limits of this procedure. Therefore, no reference shall be made to results from the use of this procedure unless accompanied by a report detailing the specific operating conditions in conformance with the sec- tion on Report. 5.3 Results obtained from this procedure can be used to compare the relative durability of materials subjected to the specific test cycle used. Comparison of results from specimens exposed in differ- ent types of apparatus should not be made unless correlation has been established among deviccs for the material to be tested. Variations in results may be ex. pected when operating conditions vary within the limits of this procedure. BeGEUSC of the variability in resuls sbuained using...
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