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ACI 301-05 Specifications for Structural Concrete. architectural concrete—concrete that is exposed as an interior or exricr surface in the completed structure and is designated as architecturai concrete in the Contract Documents; contributes to visual character of the cosiipletcd smicture and therefore ruires special care in the selection of the concrete matenak, forming. placing. and finishing to obtain (he desired architectural appearance. backshores—shorcs placed snugly under a concrete slab Lr strutura[Thembcr after the onginal fcwrnwork and shores have becn removed from a small area at a time, without allowing the slab or member to deflect, or support its own weight or existing construction loads from above. cement. expari,Ave—a cement that, when mixed with warei, produces a paste that, after setting, tends to increase in olumc in a significantly greater degree than does portland cement passe: used to compensate for volume decrease due to shrinkage or to induce tensile stress in reinforcement. cement. expansive Type K—a mixture of portland cement, anhydrous teiracakium naluminale sulfate (C AS.). calcium sulfate (CaSO4) and lime (CaO); the C,AS is a constituent of a separately burned clinker that is inter- ground with portland cement, or alternatively, is formed sirnultancously with the portland-cement clinker compounds during the burning process. Contract Documents—a set of documents supplied by Owner to Contractor as the basis for construction, these documents contain contract forms, contract condition:, specilicatiurn. draw mgi. addenda, and contract changes. Contractor—die person. finn. or entity under contract for cccstnactien of the Work. duct—a conchut (plain or corrugated) to accommodate prestressing steel for poat-lensioned concrete. exposed to public view—situated that ii can be seen from a public location after completion of the buikhng. high-eariy-strength concrete—concrete that is capeblc of attaining specified strength at an earlier age than 28 days through the use of high-early-strength cement or adnuxtures. lightweight concrete—concrete of substantially lower density than nonnalwcight concrete. mass concrete–any volume of concrete with dimensions large enough to ruire that measures be taken to cope with generation of heat from hy&atioc of the cement and attendant volume change to minimize cracking. mass concrete, plain—Mass concrete conLaining no reinforcement or less reinforcement than necessary tobe considered reinforced mass concrete. mass concrete, reinforced—mass concrete containing adequate prcstrcsscd or nonprestressed reinforcement to act togcthc.r with the concrete in resisting forces including those induced by temperature and shrinkage. normaiwellght concrete—concrete having a density of approximately 150 lb/fl3 made with gravel or crushed stone aggregates. Owner —the corporation,...

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