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NFPA 40-2019 Standard for the Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Film. 4.8.2 Any duct system used for air that is conditioning a film vault or room where nitrate film is handled shall be entirely independent with no duct connecting to any other vault or 1’OOIll. * It lia1l w l)(’lmitte(t to share conditioning air systrIn amiig l1)t)ItiI)le storage aLIltS WIiCIe (lie— aIl(1 l)Iesst1I’t—1’1t(I isolatioti (levices (aj)al)le Of Withstal)(liI)g a gauge iteiiica of 7 kPa (I psi) overiressure aII(l a tetl)j)eratllre of I 370uC (2500°F) for 40 i)1iI)tIteS are itistalled. Isolation (ICV1CCS shall he Iocate(l in 11w stipiv tiicl letlifli (ILICtWOIk at the l)oLlI)(lary of the vault to contain any iI1ci(leI)t witlim the vault, as well as isolate oilier vaults in the (‘01111)101) system. Isolation (leVifeS iii all (ollilected vaults shall be auto— Inatir (losing 011 Wt Ilatiol) of the iIlCi(lCI)t (lete(’ti( )l1 Systel)) in any vault. IIlcHleilt (leleftioll shall 1w Pmi(le(t ill accor(lance with ( The isolation devices shall be (lilly Close(l within 10 SeCon(ls of the actuation of’ the iIlci(lent (ICtCCtiOfl SYSICIU. 4.8.3 Air shall not be recirculated between vaults. It shall he permitted to recirculate air to a centralized conditioning air System if there is an incident detection sVsteiii that closes ofi’ the recirculauon by means of an isolation device as specified in The iflCi(lCflt detection SVStCI1I shall meet. the criteria staled in The air recirculation shall be fully closed within 10 SCCOI1(lS of tile actuation of the incident (leleCtioll system. Chapter 5 Fire Protection 5.1* Automatic Sprinklers. 5.1.1 The pull’l)OSe of this 1)i’ot(ctIOll 1% tO lire Or heat from affecting storage that is not initially iI1VOIVC(I in a Fire. 5. 1 .2 Every i’oom, CXCCt projection booths and rewinding i’ooiiis, where niti’ate film is stored or handled in quantities greater than 23 kg (51 Ib), or 3050 m (10,000 (1), shall 1w protected by an automatic sprinkler system that. is installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 13 for Gt’oup U extra hazard occupancies. 5.1.3 Protection for areas other than Film cal)inets and vaults shall utilize automatic sprinklers. Protection for film cabinets aIl(1 vaults, extended term storage or other than extended term storage, shall he permitted to utilize an automatic sprinkler system or a deluge system using fixed spray nozzles or open s p ri uk let’s. 5.1.4 In areas or rooms where nitrate film...

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