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NFPA 412-2020 Standard for Evaluating Aircraft Rescue and Fire-Fighting Foam Equipment. 3.3.1 .2 Aqueous FilmForming Foam I’AFFF) (wwcntrnle. A concentrate based on fluorinated surfactanis pilLs foam stabilitct-s to produce a fluid aqueous filiii for suppi-essing hydrocarbon fuel vapors and usually diluted with waer to a I percent. 3 percent, or 6 percent solution. Ill, 2016] 3.3.1 .3 FiIm.Forming Fluoroprotein (FFFP) Foam (:o,,cen:rose. A iroteiii4oain oncenttate that Uses fluorinated surf-actants to produce a fluid aqueous film for suppressing lwdrucarbon fuel vapors. 111, 20161 N Fluorine-Free Sn1heIk Foam. A synthetic foam concentrate containing no fliorochemirals for suppressing hd rocarbon fuel vapors. fluoroproein (FP) Foan,. A 1noteiii-Ixssed fisiiii concentrate, with added fltiorochemical surfacian is. that forms a foam showing a measurable degree of compatibility with (Irs dirmnhal extiiiguisliiiag agents amid an increase in tolerance to contamination 1w furl. Protein (P) Foam. A protein-based loam concentrate diat is siabili,ed with iiwtal salts to iiiakr a fire—resistant foam blanket. 3.3.2* Foam Concentrale. A concentrated liquid foaming agent as received fnii the tuiaiitifactiirer. 111, 20161 3.3.3 Foam Drainage Time (Quarter L.ife). The time in minutes that it takes fur 25 percent of the total liquid ccuhl;4LlIrcI iii time baum s;miiiple to (li-dill finin lie maui. 3.3.4 Foam Expansion. The ratio between the volume of foam produced and the volume of solution used in its production. 3.3.5 Foam Pattern. Time groiiiid area over wluidi foun is distributed during the discharge ola loam-making desice. 3.3.6 Foam Solution. The solution that results when foam concenirate awl waler are uutixed iii slesiguiatecl )roporliozis prior to aerating to form foam. 3.3.7 Foam Stability. [he degree to which a loam resiLs spontaneous collapse or degradation caused b external influences such as heat or chemical action. 3.3.8 Foam Weep. •That portion of loam that is separated from the principal foam stream during discharge and falls am short range. 3.3.9 Heat Resistance. Tie property of a loam to withstand exposure in high heat fluxes withinut loss of stability.NFPA 412 pdf download.

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