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NFPA 1051-2020 Standard for Widland Firefighting Personnel Protessional Cualficaticns. 1.26* A Wildland Fire Fighter I, Wildland Fire Fghter II, Wildland Fire Oficer I, wildland Fire Officer II, Wildlandj Urban Interface Protection Spedialist, and Wildland/Urban Interface Coordinator shall remain current with the generall knowledge and skills and JPRs addressed for each level or posi- tion ofqualifcation. 1.3 Application. The application of this standard is to specify which requirements within the document sball apply to Wild- land Fire FighterI, Wildland Fire Fighter I, WildlandFireOf cer I, Wudland Fire Oficer II, Wldland/Urban Ioterface Protection Specialist, and Wildland/Urban Interface Coordina- tor 1.3.1 The JPRs shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction (AF]) and all applicable NFPA standards. 1.32 Itshall not be required that the ]JPRs be mastered in the order in which they appeac The AH shall establish instruc . tional priority and the training program content to prepare personnel to meet theJPRs ofthisstandard. 1.33* Perlormance of each requirementof this standard shall beevaluated by personnelapproved bytheAH. 1.34 The JPRs foreach levelor position shallbe completedin accordance with recognixed prictices and procedures or as definedbylaw or bytheAHJ. N3.23 Shall Indicates amandatory requirement. N324 Should. Indicates a recommendation or that which is advised butnotrequired. N3.25 Standard. An NFPA Scandard, the main text of which contains only mandatory provisions uasing the word “sball” to indicate requirements and that is in a form generally suitable for mandatory reference by another standard or code or for adoption into law, Nonmandatory provisions are not to be considered a part of the requirements of a standard and shall be located in an appendix, annex, footnote, informational note, or other means as permitted in the NFPA Manuals of Style. When used in a generic sense, such as in the phrase “Standards development process” or Standards development actvities,” the term “standards” indudes all NFPA Standards, including Codes, Sandards, Recommended Practices, and Cuides. 33 GeaeralDefiunitioos. 33.1 Ageacyo Any federal, tribal, provincial, state, or local endity that has legal authority to onganize and direct a fre- fghtingservice. 332 Attack.* Etended Atach A wildland fire that cannot be controlled by initial attack resources within an establishbed perlod of time as determined by the A and additional fFirefighting resources are arriving, en route, or being ordered by the indidentcommandes 33.2.2* nitial Atmuck. The action taken by resources that are frstto arnve at an inadent,NFPA 1051 pdf download.

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