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NFPA 1122-2002 Code for Model Rocketry. 1.1 Scope. 1.1.1 This code shall apply to the design, construction, limi- tation of propellant mass and power, and reliability of model rocket motors and model rocket motor reloading kits and their components, produced commercially for sale to or for use by the public for purposes of education, recreation, and sporting competition. 1.1.2 This code also shall apply to the design and construc- tion ofmodel rockets propelled bymodel rocketmotors speci- fied in 1.1.1. 1.1.3 This code also shall apply to the conduct of launch operations ofmodel rockets specified in 1.1.2. 1.1.4 This code shall not apply to the design, construction, production, manufacture, fabrication, maintenance, launch, flight, test, operation, use, or other activity that is connected with a rocket or rocket motor where carried out or engaged in by any ofthe following: (1) National, state, or local government (2) Individual, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation, or other business entity engaged as a licensed business in the research, development, production, testing, mainte- nance, or supply ofrockets, rocket motors, rocket propel- lant chemicals, or rocket components or parts (3) Colleges or universities 1.1.5 This code shall not apply to the design, construction, fabrication, maintenance, production, manufacture, launch, flight, test, operation, or use of rocket-propelled model air- craftthatsustain their mass againstthe force ofgravitybyaero- dynamic lifting surfaces that support the aircraft during the entire duration of its flight in the air, but shall apply to the model rocket motors and their components that provide the propulsion for such model aircraft. 1.1.6 This code shall not apply to model or toy rockets pro- pelled by pressurized-liquid rocket motors containing less than 250 ml (8.45 fl oz) ofwater. 4.18* Model Rocket Retrieval Safety. No attempt shall be made to retrieve a model rocket from a power line or other life-threatening area. 4.19 Model Rocket Motor Requirements. 4.19.1 Only commercially manufactured, certified model rocketmotors or motor reloading kits or components as speci- fied in NFPA 1125, Code forthe Manufacture ofModelRocket and High PowerRocketMotors, shall be used. 4.19.2 No person shall dismantle, reload, or alter a single-use model rocket motor. 4.19.3 No person shall alter the components ofa reloadable model rocket motor or use the contents ofa reloadable rocket motor reloading kit for a purpose other than those specified by the manufacturer’s instructions for the reloadable rocket motor or reloading kit. 4.20 Residential Storage of Model Rocket Motors and Motor Components. 4.20.1 Not...

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