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BS ISO 11525-1-2020 Rough-terrain trucks一Safe use requirements Part 1: Variable-reach trucks. 4.1.4 The user shall take reasonable measures to ensure that the operator’s mental or physical condition will not impair their ability to operate the truck 4.1.5 In addition to specific training, application selection and operation of the truck, the user shall take the following characteristics for trucks into consideration; — these trucks are primarily designed for handling supported loads on forks; — other attachments can be fitted. 4.1.6 The user shall take reasonable measures to ensure that the safe use requirements are being applied during operation. 4.2 Operator’s manual(s) 4.2.1 The user shall ensure that the operator’s manual(s) and any additional safety manual(s) provided by the manufacturer with the truck are always available to the operator and maintenance personnel. 4.2.2 The user, the operator, or both shall refer to the responsible entity if doubt arises on either the use of the truck or the interpretation of the operator’s manual. 4.3 Modifications or alterations 4.3.1 Except as provided below, no modifications or alterations to a truck that can affect its capacity, stability or safe operation shall be made without the prior written approval of the original truck manufacturer or its successor. When the truck manufacturer or its successor approves a modification or alteration, the user shall be responsible, prior to operation, for ensuring that appropriate changes are made to information plate(s), documents, certificates, labels, tags, operator’s manual(s) and any training, if required. 4.3.2 If the truck manufacturer is no longer in business and there is no successor, modifications or alterations to the truck shall be carried out under the following conditions: a) the design, testing and implementation of the modification or alteration is made in accordance with Iso 10896-1 by a competent person; b) a permanent record is kept of the design, tests and implementation of the modification or alteration; c) appropriate changes are made to the information plate(s), documents, certificates, labels, tags and operator’s manual(s); d) a permanent and readily visible label is affixed to the truck stating the manner in which the truck has been modified or altered, together with the date of the modification or alteration, and the name of the person or organization responsible for the design, testing and implementation of the modifications. 4.4 Manufacturer’s bulletins The user shall comply with the applicable bulletins as directed by the responsible entity.BS ISO 11525-1 pdf download.

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