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NFPA 10-1998 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers. Hydrostatic Testing. Pressure testing of the extinguisher to verify its strength against unwanted rupture. ICC. The Interstate Commerce Commission, which had jurisdiction over high-pressure cylinders and cartridges prior to 1967. Inspection. A “quick check” that a fire extinguisher is avail- able and will operate. It is intended to give reasonable assurance that the fire extinguisher is fully charged and operable. This is done by verifying that it is in its designated place, that it has not been actuated or tampered with, and that there is no obvious or physical damage or condition to prevent its operation. Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an orga- nization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains peri- odic inspection of production of labeled equipment or mate- rials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner. Listed.* Equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the author- ity having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of prod- ucts or services, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic eval- uation of services, and whose listing states that either the equipment, material, or service meets identified standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose. Loaded Stream Charge. A water-based extinguishing medium that uses an alkali metal salt as a freezing point depressant. Low-Pressure Cylinder. For the purposes of this standard, low-pressure cylinders are those containing fire extinguishing agent (medium), nitrogen, compressed air, or other com- pressed gases at a service pressure of 500 psi (3447 kPa) or lower at 70°F (21°C). Maintenance. A thorough examination of the fire extin- guisher. NFPA 10 pdf download.

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