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NFPA 285-1998 Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Flammability Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load- Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components Using the Intermediate-Scale, Multistory Test Apparatus. 1-1 Scope. This test provides a method of determining the flammability characteristics of exterior, non-load-bearing wall assemblies/panels. The test method described is intended to evaluate the inclusion of combustible components within wall assembled/panels of buildings that are required to be of non- combustible construction. It is intended to simulate the tested wall assemblies’ fire performance. 1-2 Purpose. 1-2.1 The primary performance characteristics that shall be evaluated in this test are as follows: (a) The capability of the test wall assembly to resist flame propagation over the exterior face of the system (b) The capability of the test wall assembly to resist vertical spread of flame within the combustible core/component of the panel from one story to the next (c) The capability of the test wall assembly to resist vertical spread of flame over the interior (room side) surface of the panels from one story to the next (d) The capability of the test wall assembly to resist lateral spread of flame from the compartment of fire origin to adjacent spaces 1-2.2 The ability of the test wall assembly to meet these perfor- mance characteristics shall be determined by visual observa- tions along with temperature data obtained during the test. 1-2.3 This test shall not be an evaluation of the methods used to seal voids at the floor–wall intersection per se. While this test requires the use of materials to seal voids at the floor–wall intersection, the results of the test shall not be restricted to the sealing method used but rather shall encompass any approved sealing method suitable for the type of wall assembly tested. 2-2.3 The three permanent walls that form each room shall be constructed of 8 in. ± 0.5 in. (203 mm ± 13 mm) concrete block or similar construction. 2-2.4 The interior surfaces of the first floor burn room shall be insulated as follows: (a) Walls and ceiling shall be one layer of 5 / 8 -in. (15.9- mm) thick, type X gypsum wallboard and one layer of 1.5-in. (38-mm) thick, 8-lb/ft 3 (128-kg/m 3 ) ceramic fiber insulation on the interior face. The insulation thickness on each individ- ual wall or on the ceiling shall not exceed 2.5 in. (64 mm). (b) Floor shall be two layers of...

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