NFPA 302-1998 Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure and Commercial Motor Craft. LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas).5 Terms “liquefied petrolruiii gas,” LPGas.” and ‘LPG” that are syiuniunoiis and include am product composed predominantly of an’ of the lollowing gaseous hdtocarbons: propane, proplene. l)utIne. Ls(,butaiIC. l)utvIeIIes. 01 .1 IlIiXtIire tILert0f. Machinery Space. Any space containing an internal cornbu tion engine. Motor Craft. Any boat that is not sold propelled 1w wind or human power. Open to the Atmosphere. A space or conIpartilleiLi that has at least 15 in.2/ft’ tt7.5 cm2/m) of net open area direcll exposed to the atmosphere of net compartment volume. Overcurrent Protection Device. A device, such as a (use or circuit breaker, designed to interrupt the circuit when the current flow exceeds a predetermined value. Panelboard. An assembly of clrviceus for the purpose of controlling or distributing, or both, power on a boat. It can iiicluide devices such as cit-cult breakers, fuses, switches, instruments, and indicators. Paitelboat’ds are intended to be installed in encinstires and are accessible from the front or rear. Permanently Installed. Faswned in place and not intended br i-eadv remimoval except for service, repait. or replacement. Personal Watereraft. A vessel less than 13 Ii (-I in) in length uses aim internal coiiilnistioii engine 1xavrriIig a water_frt pump as its primary source of propulsion, and is designed to be operated 1w a persoim or persons sitüng. standing, or kneeling on rather than within the confines of the hull. Pigtail. An external conductor that onginates within an eleitrital component or appliance installed by the nmanulacturet. Polarized System (dc). A system in which the grounded (negath’e) and ungiounded (positive) conductois are connected identically in relation to all terminals or leads on all devices in the circuit. Polarized System (ac). A system in sshmiclm the grounded (white) atici mnigrotimided coiiiltictors art— coniiecied identi— callv in relation to all terminals or fixture leads on all devices iii the circuit, including the shore power connections. Propane. See 1PG (Licpwfied Petroleumim Gas). Readily Accessible. Capable of being reached quickly and safel fin ellectie use under emergency conditions without tlw aid of tools. NFPA 302 pdf download.
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