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NFPA 1962-1998 Standard for the Care, Use, and Service Testing of Fire Hose Including Couplings and Nozzles. 4-1 Nozzles. 4-1.1 Nozzle valves attached to in-service hose shall be kept In the closed position. 4.1.2* All nozzles shall be inspected after each use and at least annually, The nozzle inspection shall include verification of the following: (a) Waterway dear of obstructions (b) No damage to tip (C) Full operation of adjustments such as pattern selection and so forth (d) Proper operation of shutoff valve, if so equipped (e) No missing parts (1) Thread gasket in good condition in accordance with 4-3.1 4-1.3 If the nozzle fails the inspection for any reason, it shall be removed from service and repaired or replaced. 4-1,4 If. during use, there Is an obstruction that cannot be removed by flushing the nozzle, the nozzle shall be taken from the hose line and the obstruction removed through the connection end as soon as is practicable, since any further attempt to force the obstruction out through the tip can damage the nozzle. 4-1.5 Care shall be taken to avoid dents or nicks in nozzle tips, as these can seriously affect the reach of the stream, To prevent mechanical damage. nozzles shall be handled with care. They shall not be dropped or thrown. 4-1.6 Nozzle control valves shall be opened and closed slowly to eliminate unnecessary strain on the hose and couplings and reduce pressure surges. 41,7* After each use, all nozzles shall be thoroughly washed and inspected in accordance with 4-1.2 before being placed back in service. 5-1.1.2 The acceptance or proof test pressure that is stenciled on hose manufactured prior to July 1987 shall not be used for the service test pressure. 5-1.2 Hose Manufactured July 1987 and After. 5-1.2.1 The service test pressure for hose manufactured in July 1987 and after to meet the requirements of the 1987 and subse- quent editions of NFPA 1961, Standard on Fire Hose, is stenciled on each length of hose and reads “Service Test to . . . PSI per NFPA 1962.”NFPA 1962 pdf download.

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