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BS 7858-2019 Screening of individuals working in a secure environment – Code of practice. 3.13 screening period period of not less than five years immediately prior to the commencement of relevant employment or transfer to relevant employment, or back to the age of 16 if this date is more recent 3.14 subcontractor olnpany. agency worker(s), individual(s) and temrary worker(s) not directly employed by the organization, contracted to cariy out work on behalf of the organization 3.15 top management person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the highest level NUTE Top muiwyrin rot iso the power to dekgute uuthority and pnw.¼k svsuarce within the oqunhzuliwi. 4 Top management commitment Top management should: a) be committed to satisfying the recommendations of this British Standard; b) ensure that the resources and infrastructure needed for the screenrng process are available: c) direct and support persons to contribute to the eFfectiveness of the screening process: and d) ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned and communicated within the organization. 5 Risk management The organization should only employ individuals whose career or history indicates that they would be suitable for the role, given that such employment might allow opportunities for illicit personal gain, or the possibilities of being compromised, or opportunities for creating any other breaches of confidentiality trust and safety NUTE I Attention is drown to IlK einplcn’nsenr kit,; commercial inwnmce czwer and the upphcuble terms and wrjdit Ions (1/ emplu,’nenr. N7TE2 hi some roses, where the vehficsithm procedsrrs canJwt be completed sot 1sf acs uri1y eInpIo ment i,irght be prevent c-rL terminated or en employment oiler withdrawn. It is emphasized that this is not necrxsurily an indication of inrsuitabihity; it might simpi,’ not have been poxsibie to obtain the requi red positice evidence 6 IndivIduals employed In screening 6.1 General The screening controller(s) and screening administrator(s) should be screened in accordance with the recommendations of this British Standard. An individual should not screen themselves. The screening controller(s) and screening administrator(s) should sign a confidentiality agreement (sometimes known as a non-disclosure agreement), covering both the period of employment and post-employment, relating to the disclosure of the organization’s confidennsl information and/or matenal with respect to Individuals and employees past, present and future.BS 7858 pdf download.

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