NFPA 1021-2020 Standard for Fire Ofcer Professional Qualifcations.
4.1.2 General Prerequisite Skills. The ability to eflecrivel communicate in writing utiliting technolog provided b the Al ii; write reports. letters, awL itwInos; perate in an infonna— non Inanagenient system; and efkctivel operate at all les’els in the incident management ssstetu titiliied b the AHJ.
4.2 Human Resource Management. This clii’ iiivolrs iiWizing human resources to accomplish assignments in accordance with salëtv plans and in an ellicient inannel’. This thu also iityctlvrs evaluatiiig nieniber lwrforniaiwe and su)rrusiiIg personnel during emergency and noneniergency work penods, according to the lollowing job performance requirements.
4.2. 1 Assign tasks or rrspo)nsibiliIirs to unit menihrrs. given an assignment at an emergency incideni. so that the instructions are compleLe, clear, and condse: salety considerations are addressed; arid the desired outcomes are conveyed,
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Verbal communications during emergeniv incidents, characteristics of leadership. techniques used to make assignments tinder stressful sittlatiohis. and uneth— ods ol conlarnung understanding.
(B) Requisite Skills. The abilit to condense instructions for fregutentlv assigned unit tasks based on training and standard operating procedures.
4.2.2 Assign tasks or responsibilities to unit members. given an assignment tinder nonemergencv conditions at a station or other work location, so that the instructions are complete, clear, and concise: saltv considerations are addressed; and the desired outcomes are conveyed.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Verbal coin imunications under nonemergency situaLions, chat acteristics of leadership, techniques used to make assignments under routine situations, and methods of conti rifling understanding.
Requisite Skills. The ability to issue instructions for frequentl assigned unit tasks based on department polict
4.2.3 Direct unit members during a training evolution, given a co.iupamuv training evolution attn training phiCt and procedures, so that the enilutioii is performed in accordance with sakty plans, t’lficiemitly. and as directed.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Verbal crnnnumnhicatioiu teclituiques to facilitate learning.
(B) Requisite Skills. The abihir o distribute issue’guided directions to unit ineinlwrs dunng training evolutions.
4.2.4 Recommend action for niember—relateul problems, given a member with a situation requiring assLstance and the iiieiiilwr ;tssistaIwe policies and pnuwednurvs. so that the sitna— non is identified and the actions taken are within the established policies and procedures.NFPA 1021 pdf download.