NFPA 130-2020 Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems. Where supported by a fre hazard analysis of potential fre exposure to the structure, alternative construction types shall be permitted. 5.2.3 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Intrusion. Δ General. Protection of belowgrade system structures against the accidental intrusion of fammable and combustible liquids shall be provided in accordance with 5.2.3. Vehicle Roadway Terminations. Vent or fan shafts utilized for ventilation of belowgrade system structures shall not terminate at grade on any vehicle roadway. Median and Sidewalk Terminations. Vent and fan shafts shall be permitted to terminate in the median strips of divided highways, on sidewalks designed to accept such shafts, or in open space areas, provided that the grade level of the median strips, sidewalk, or open-space meets the following conditions: (1) It is at a higher elevation than the surrounding grade level. (2) It is separated from the roadway by a concrete curb at least 150 mm (6 in.) in height. 5.2.4 Compartmentation. Interconnected Floor Levels. Interconnection between foor levels in stations shall be permitted as follows: (1)* Stairs and escalators used by passengers shall not be required to be fre-separated. (2) Public areas on different levels in open stations shall be permitted to be interconnected. In public circulation areas, exposed insulation shall be protected by a thermal barrier complying with NFPA 275 or by 1 ∕ 2 in. (12.7 mm) gypsum board or 1 ∕ 2 in. (12.7 mm) concrete. Where thermal barriers are required by, pene‐ trations shall be frestopped in accordance with ASTM E814. 5.2.7 Combustible Furnishings and Contents.* Where combustible furnishings or contents not specifcally addressed in this standard are installed in a station, a fre hazard analysis shall be conducted to determine that the level of occupant fre safety is not adversely affected by the furnishings and contents.* Permanent rubbish containers in the station shall be manufactured of noncombustible materials. Seating furniture in stations shall be noncombustible, or it shall have limited rates of heat release when tested in accordance with ASTM E1537, as follows: (1) The peak rate of heat release for a single seating furni‐ ture item shall not exceed 80 kW (270 kBtu/hr). (2) The total energy released by a single seating furniture item during the frst 10 minutes of the test shall not exceed 25 MJ (23,700 Btu).NFPA 130 pdf download.