NFPA 790-2018 Standard for Competency of Third-Party Field Evaluation Bodies.
11.1 Technical Reports. The FEB shall adopt reporting proce‐ dures that suit its needs, the needs of the applicant, and the needs of any other affected parties. 11.2 Personnel. Personnel contributing to and responsible for the evaluation of conformance of a product shall provide the FEB with a report of fndings as to the conformity with all the applicable requirements of the standard(s). 11.3 Notifcation of Applicant. The full report on the outcome of the evaluation shall be brought to the applicant’s notice by the FEB, identifying any nonconformity that has to be corrected in order to comply with the applicable requirements of the standard(s). 11.4 Corrective Actions. The report shall further state what additional activities are required to complete the evaluation. 11.5* Format and Content. The format and content of the feld evaluation technical report shall follow accepted industry guidelines. 11.6* Accuracy. Field evaluation reports, as well as all infor‐ mation needed to understand and interpret them, shall be reported correctly, accurately, and clearly. 11.7 Review. A process of checking completed reports shall be established to confrm that this requirement has been met. Chapter 12 Decision to Issue an FEB Statement of Conformity 12.1 Conformity Decision. The decision as to whether to issue an FEB statement of conformity for a product shall be made by the FEB based on the information gathered during the evaluation process and any other relevant information. 12.2 Evaluator Decision. The decision to issue a statement of conformity shall be made by the FEB employee responsible for the completion of the evaluation process. 12.3 Delegation. The FEB shall not delegate authority for issuing or withdrawing a statement of conformity to an outside person or body, except as specifed under the subcontracting procedures in Section 5.4.
14.2 Operator and Maintenance Instructions. 14.2.1 All equipment shall include operator instructions required for the correct performance of the testing and meas‐ uring equipment. 14.2.2 Maintenance procedures for the equipment shall be documented. 14.3 Suspect Test Equipment. Equipment that has been subject to overloading or mishandling or that gives suspect results shall be taken out of service until repaired, calibrated, and tested to confrm satisfactory performance. 14.4 Trace Back Process. The FEB shall examine the effects of such defects on previous evaluations conducted with the suspect equipment. 14.5 Calibration Marking. Equipment shall be marked identi‐ fying the calibration status and date of calibration. 14.6 Equipment Records. Records of all equipment shall be maintained as follows: (1) Name of the equipment (2) Manufacturer, type identifcation, model, and serial number (3) Date received and date placed in service (4) Condition when received (e.g., new, used, recondi‐ tioned) (5) Copy of manufacturer’s instructions (6) Dates and results of calibrations and date of the next calibration (7) Certifcate of calibration (8) Details of maintenance performed on equipment to date and those planned for future (9) History of any damage, malfunction, modifcation, or repair (10) Current location of equipment, if applicable.
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