NFPA 906-1998 Guide for Fire Incident Field Notes.
1-1 Scope. The scope of this guide is to aid investigators in collecting and recording preliminary information needed for the preparation of a formal incident report. This guide docs not cover the interpretation and use of the information. 1-2 Purpose. This guide explains a series of suggested forms that can be used during a fire investigation to record field notes. The forms serve as a reminder of the type of informa tion that can be helpful in understanding the fire. 1-3 Application. This guide contains instructions for the completion of the fire incident field note forms. It has been developed to provide those investigating a fire with a basic system for collecting data and information in a consistent manner s0 it can then be studied to reach a conclusion regard- ing a particular incident. The field note forms are not de- signed or intended to be a complete report but rather to serve as input for developing a final investigative report. They also are not intended to provide all known incident information. The guidelines for using these forms are only suggestions, as each particular agency should utilize the forms in the way that best suits its needs. The forms are simple to complete and are designed to be handwritten with large areas for com- ments that can be devcloped as the investigation continucs. The forms shown in this guide area designed to collect descrip- tive observations rather than definitive concusions. Not all forms will be used at all incidents. However, several forms could be used on any specific fire, depending on the magnitude of the investigation or the type of incident. Supple- mental local forms should be used as needed. The case supervi- sion form should be used to keep track of the progress of the investigation.NFPA 906 pdf download.